January 22, 2011

We Attract Crowds

It seems that we've won the lottery in the crowd department lately. A few weeks ago Disneyland closed it's doors when the crowd hit 80,000 people.

We were there!

Today, we innocently tried to take the Pier 41 Ferry over to Tiburon at 12:30pm. Apparently, a record breaking crowd of 40,000 people had gathered at the exact same time to "Walk for Life" an anti-abortion rally.....which shut down the Embarcardero.

We were there!

What normally would have been an hour door to door, took two! Needless to say we missed our Ferry and our Brunch reservations. But this wasn't going to stop us. I was determined to celebrate my birthday.

We put off lunch for a few hours, and hoped for the best. We booked the 2pm Ferry and bought the boys some nuts to tide them over.

The boys love their first boat ride, Nate a little more than Jack. Luckily it was only 25 minutes, because Jack started asking to get off after about 15. I think he was looking for the music and dancers from It's a Small World, the only other boat he's been on. Apparently the amazing views of the Golden Gate and Alcratez aren't as appealing to a two year old.

On a separate note, I have to mention the Ferry is a little over-rated. The last time I took it I was 24 years old, single and heading to a bar across the Bay. Today, I am 37, pregnant, with a husband and two little boys. Everybody else was still 24 and heading to a bar.  I just don't remember the Ferry smelling as bad 13 years ago.

We still had a great time. Ate a yummy lunch at Sam's cafe, and took the next Ferry home. The boys wanted ice cream so we stopped at Pier 39 and each had a cone. What was supposed to be a 3 hour trip turned into 8 hours. (Now I know how Gilligan felt.)

I will always remember turning 37. My stomach-flu, anti-abortion rally, 6 months pregnant, boys first boat ride birthday extravaganza!


Anne said...

What a great day-- the views were tremendous and you all look very happy in spite of a few set backs Glad you enjoyed your belated birthday- Love the pictures of all of you! xoxo

Deb said...

Wow, you have enormous patience Lori!!! Glad you had a happy birthday afterall. Great photos! Did Nate take the photo of you and Doug???

Lori said...

Thanks Deb. Yes, how could you tell? The pic was looking up our noses? ;)