5 = Socially aware, with a new robust vocabulary! (Day 1....I think I want my 4 year old back.)
Nate and I played a round of 18 yesterday....miniature golf that is. I would post some pictures, but when I took the first photo, I got the miserable three beeps....no memory card inserted.
I noticed the first change in my little boy in the parking lot of Golf-n-Stuff. I asked him to stand in front of the castle so I could take his picture. His reply, "Mom we can't stand in the middle of the street, people will think we are weirdos. Weirdos? Since when did he get such a sense of his social surroundings? Let alone the word weirdo.
Lucky for him I didn't have the ability to pose him in front of each miniature golf prop. If he thinks standing in the parking lot would have been weird, he would have been humiliated in front of the mini Victorian mansion.
We had a great time playing golf, cheating (some more than others), eating junk food in the shady arcade snackshop, and watching a family of 5 hit some balls in the batting cages.
When we got home, the drama kicked in. His little 5 year old body couldn't handle a day's worth of celebration. I blame myself partly. I have been pumping up his birthday for a few days. I just feel like number 5 is so significant....a real milestone. I may have actually been a little more excited than him.
When Julie and the kids called to sing Happy Birthday he climbed into his bed, and pulled the covers over his head. When I prompted him to say thank you, his face turned bright red, and he let out a bloody murder scream. Hmmm...maybe we've hit our limit.
I cancelled our dinner plans, and decided to eat in. He continued to push the limit all night using his new bad word..."lame". He really doesn't quite know how to use it, but he throws it into sentences because he's been told not too. He was definitely pushing my buttons with sentences like, "He's lame, that's lame" etc.
There were a lot of tears, and time spent in his room. It's clear today that he was overtired, overstimulated, and over his birthday. It wasn't as clear yesterday when he was using the word "lame".
Luckily today, he woke up smiling, and ready to start his day. I love a fresh start! Now his brother is another story today! (Will blog later)
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