June 13, 2010

"Best of"

Every year the local newspaper creates a "Best Of" list for the community business owners.
There are numerous categories, everything from "Best Pizza" to "Best Places for a Kid's Birthday Party". In sticking with the theme, I decided to add one, "Best Summer Carnival".

Anybody who truly knows me, will testify that I LOVE summer...and everything about it. The warm weather, family bbq's, summer nights, beach days, and now Summer Carnival.  

Every year in the middle of June, a local school Nativity, tranforms their grounds into a 3 day carnival.  When Doug I were first married, our house was only 3 blocks from the school. Even though we didn't have kids, we would still walk over to the carnival.  Back then it was just a fun place to hang out, eat some food, play some games, and catch up with family and friends. I remember in those "prekid" years thinking how much fun it would be to attend when we had kids.

And I have to say....IT IS!

The carnival is so much better when you experience it with Nate and Jack. The churros taste better, the rides are a little more exhilirating, and the prizes mean so much more.

Yesterday we took Nate and Jack to this yearly tradition. Here are some pictures from our day!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Looks like a fun day- especially with churros!