July 30, 2013

Tiered Pricing

Last week I attended my first private magic show.
When I arrived home from work the boys were busy setting up.
Soon after dinner they bolted upstairs to get ready for the 6 o'clock show.
In hindsight I guess it was more of a dinner theater, without the two drink minimum.
Brooke and I were their first guests.
We arrived at the top of the stairs to see a sign with an arrow pointing to the right. CHECK-IN
We walked over to the box office (literally a cardboard box), to find Nate sitting behind the makeshift check-in desk. On the desk was a price sheet and a sign-in form. I had two options for tickets, either $1 or $10. Their tiered pricing seemed to be missing a level. Thankfully children under 3 were free.
We were handed a ticket and directed to the theater. Our greeter was Jack who collected our ticket and brought us to our seats.
I looked in their room to find every chair we own set up classroom style, three rows deep.
We of course wanted to sit in the front row to be closer to the action.
This is when our greeter also turned into our bouncer.
"The front row is for our $10 guests! Your seats are in the back row... the dollar seats."
So as Brooke and settled into the back row of an EMPTY theater I thought to myself.......their daddy would be proud!
Capitalism at it's best from a soon to be 8 year old and his lovely assistant.

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