January 30, 2010


A year ago on Jan. 30th the world lost an amazing woman and our dear friend, Alice Rossi.  My blog today is in memory of Alice and her daily courage. Her long battle with breast cancer left us all questiong how life can be so unfair? It's one question I know can never be answered. One thing is for sure though, we can all live life a little more like Alice. She always wore a smile, and never forgot a birthday. She was kind, generous, and knew how to fight her battles with extreme dignity and courage.

Five years ago we were privileged to have Alice speak at our wedding. She appropriately provided us with this blessing. When I'm having a day that seems extraordinarily difficult, I draw from the strength of this poem.

I wish you courage to confront the trials and tribulations in everyday life when it would be easier to live in denial.

I wish you courage to face disappointment when it would be easier to fail.

I wish you courage to take responsibility when it would be easier to place blame.

I wish you courage to face physical, mental or spiritual pain, when it would be easier to complain, seek pity, or isolate.

I wish you courage to laugh, when it would be easier to cry.

I wish you courage to dream when it would be easier to lose hope.

My wish today is that this poem can bring strength to those who are hurting, tired, and disappointed. It takes courage to fight, but everday is worth it!  
We miss you Alice!


Julie Johnson said...

Alice was amazing; truly an inspiration. Her legacy lives on in Alison and her beautiful grandchildren!

Anne said...

It was a privilege to have known this strong and loving woman. Her love lives on within the hearts of her children and grandchildren.