I read a tip recently where the woman said her secret to staying at her goal weight was to never let herself get more than 5lbs away. She then scales back everything she eats until she gets back to the weight she wants. While this sounds doable, maybe 13 years ago, I'm not sure it's still that simple anymore. What happens if your 5lbs have turned into 17?
If I take a close look at my daily routine, the main difference now is my lack of exercise, maybe a little more cheese and the addition of girl scout cookies.
When the kids were babies, I used to strap them in the jogger and go out for a run. I can't even pick them up anymore, those days are over.
A few months ago I joined a morning bootcamp, which fit perfectly into my schedule. The class started at 6AM, was 2 minutes from my house, and was done by 6:45AM, just in time to get the kids to school. After about a month, I started to feel like I was 80. My knees were killing me and I couldn't take the stairs at work.
I needed something new, a real reason to motivate. As if the 17lbs weren't enough. I signed up for a 10K.
Training started early last week, but then I caught a cold. I'm a total wimp about running with a stuffy nose, I already feel like I have one lung. I'm back though, and just finished day 3 with my new running app. "Running for Weight Loss". This will either be the best $10 a month or I'll file it with all the other apps I've purchased that need to be canceled 30 days later.
One additional perk is the meal suggestion at the bottom. Guess what my family had for dinner?
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