October 11, 2016


It's been 14 months since my last blog post. I'm often asked, how do you do it all? Well the short answer is, I don't. I simply have to prioritize on a daily basis. Unfortunately, this blog hasn't made it to my top 10 list.

This is my current list. It's in no particular order of importance.

  • Work
  • Grocery Shop
  • Exercise
  • Spend time with Doug
  • Homework/Read with Jack
  • Homework/Read with Brooke
  • Spend time with Nate
  • Attend kid's sports
  • Talk to family
  • Spend time with friends
  • Coach soccer
In the context of a 60 hour week this is the % of time I spend on each. I've never looked at it from this angle, but it's helpful to understand where I spend my time, in order to determine where I "should" spend my time. 

Goals: Increase the size of the orange Exercise slice to look more like the bright green slice. I will also try to add a slice that says, Write in my blog.....more than once a year. 

If you've never put your priorities into a pie chart, I highly suggest it. Where do you spend your time, vs. where do you want to spend your time?

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