November 8, 2010

Back to Earth

After a two month sabbatical from my life.....I'm finally entering the Earth's atmosphere again!

And what's left doesn't look pretty. 10 loads of laundry, a playroom with not a matching toy in sight, and papers and bills stacked two stories high. I just couldn't take looking at Nate and Jack in mismatched p.j.s anymore. (Clearly that doesn't bother Doug). Actually the turning point was an episode of Hoarders on TLC that snapped me back to reality. I may be been throwing up day and night, but I will certainly not be buried alive under tupperware, and Target receipts.

With a deep breath, and a long list of action items, I enter my second trimester.....
  • 8 loads of laundry done - 2 more to go
  • Decorated for Thanksgiving
  • Organized the playroom - All toys and parts back in their spots
  • Organized our bedroom and closets
  • Spot treated our carpets
  • Massive grocery shopping
  • Paid bills
  • Spruced up the downstairs bathroom
  • Cleaned out the laundry room
  • Costco run - That's significant enough!

Next up.....
  • Hall closet/ paperwork reorganization
  • Planning Thanksgiving dinner for 16 people
  • Paint the baby and the boy's rooms
  • Plant some flowers
  • Returning phone calls!

When I'm done with all of that, I'll post some funny stories and events we've been doing over the past month. Hint: There was a lot of Giants baseball in our house, and Jack took up construction in the bathroom. (Oh that reminds me, let me add - fix tile floor to my To-Do list.)

It feels good to be back to Earth!

1 comment:

Julie Johnson said...

Can you say "NESTING"????