September 28, 2010

If I Only Had a Cane!

The other day Nate came into my room and asked what I was doing. I was writing a new children's book. I love hearing his unfiltered critique so I typically ask him what he thinks. After he gave me his "honest" opinion he then said, "You know what Mom, you have a lot of jobs!" "You're a coach, you're a writer, and you take care of us." (I love how he forgot to mention my actual FT paying job.) But I said, "THANK YOU Nate for noticing." "You are so right. I do have a lot of jobs!"

My assortment of jobs, must be the reason I feel so squeezed for time lately; though the never ending juggle seems to take on a new pace come September. One thing that helps me remain sane, is working on the projects I love. The past few months I've been working with the illustrator, Deb Melmon on my children's book, "An Elephant in the Aisle Seat". 

I promised a while back I would post some of the early sketches of the book. Deb just sent me this sketch today. This is one of my favorites.

I love the Grandma in the background using her cane to fight off the Elephant, and the people protecting their peanuts. It's how I feel at dinner sometimes!. If only I had a cane to fend off the 37 year old, 5 year old and 2 year old vultures.  

More to come on the book front in a few weeks!

 ©  2010 Lori Willbanks and Deborah Melmon


Anne said...

The sketches are fabulous but that must be a Great Great Grandma- not patterned after any of the Grandmas I know- deb does a wonderful job bringing personality to the characters

Sara Ancich said...

the is MAJOR. Major!! Wow Lori. What a dream come true for you. I would like to preorder my copy now.